Terms & Conditions

Lilleshall Hall Wedding Bookings & Cancellations

Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024

All bookings are held provisionally until a non-refundable deposit is received together with a completed booking form to confirm your booking. Once confirmed in writing, the following terms and conditions are applicable.

To confirm a reservation, an initial £500 non-refundable deposit is required within 14 days of your provisional booking.

Final Payments

The balance of the total projected cost is due one month prior to the event Any additional items on the day that have not been included in the package will be invoiced to you after your event. Payment of this invoice is strictly 14 days after receipt of the invoice.


Final Numbers

Final guest numbers are required a minimum of a month prior to the date of your event. Beyond this point guest cancellation fees apply. Simply ask one of our wedding coordinators for further information.

Cancellations & Postponement

Cancellation of a provisional or confirmed booking must be given in writing and sent to the email below and is subject to the costs calculated on the following basis:
• Six months prior, 50% of the package.
• Three months prior, 75% of the package.
• One month or less, 100% of the package.
If you cancel your booking, we will endeavour to re-book your date, which may reduce the cancellation charges. However, this will be at the manager’s discretion and the management decision is final.

Cancellation by Lilleshall Hall

Lilleshall Hall reserves the right to cancel the booking if:
a) The booking might damage the reputation of Lilleshall
b) If any part of Lilleshall is closed or otherwise unavailable due to events beyond our control
c) If the client, or Lilleshall become insolvent or, if the case of an individual became bankrupt. In the circumstances of a) & c) any deposits over the initial £500 paid will be refunded, but Lilleshall will not have any other liability.